Ganesh Chaturthi is the celebration of Lord Ganesha or the elephant headed god as he is popularly known throughout the world. Each year Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with a lot of excitement and joy, but what exactly is Ganesh Chaturthi and what does it signify. The hindu religion has been studied and interpreted by different people in different forms including the myriad rituals that are performed to the deities but the essence of all the interpretations is the same and leads one towards the supreme god. Celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi is one such festival which reinforces the Advaita vedanta principle. Advaita ( non dual in Sanskrit) refers to the identity of the true Self, Atman which is pure consciousness and the highest reality,Brahman , which is also pure consciousness. Followers seek liberation from the birth circle by acquiring V idya (knowledge) of the identity of Atman and Bra...